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- * STatus Disk Magazine *
- * Issue 1, Volume 1 *
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- * STatus Disk Magazine *
- * Suite 299 *
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- * College Park, MD 20740 *
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- * STatus Disk Magazine (c) 1989, is a COMMERCIAL effort. *
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- Tweety Board by Practical Solutions
- Although quality video and sound go hand in hand, often
- sound has been left behind in the pursuit of high definition
- video; while we struggled to bring color TV into every home in
- the 50's through the 80's, we did precious little (until lately)
- to enhance the sound beyond the drone of the 5" "all frequency"
- speaker somewhere in the cabinet. Let's just say it did the job,
- you could hear what Dan Rather was saying.
- Stereo has finally arrived in the television arena, albeit
- slowly compared to other innovations, and stereo has also had an
- impact on video games, notably those in the arcades, and on the
- Amiga. Practical Solutions to the rescue. While our sound chip,
- a Yamaha YM2149-F can't give us everything the Amoeba is capable
- of, some of its potential has been unlocked by this enhancement
- which provides two important benefits. First, it ends reliance
- on the tired monitor speakers to hear output from the computer;
- with their small amplifiers and diminutive speakers, they can
- only do so much (not to mention the terribly limited frequency
- response). With Tweety installed, the Yamaha's three channels of
- sound are offered via RCA style phono-plugs - two of which can be
- bridged with a Y-adapter thoughtfully included with Tweety,
- resulting in ideal two channel stereo which can be fed to an
- external amp and speakers.
- Obviously most application software is going to be boring in
- the Tweety enhanced environment. The system bell does ring
- clearer, however, and the "gong" on DeskManager has much more
- authority. The real use for the separated channels is - GAMES.
- Though not intentionally (?) much game software for the ST
- portrays a great deal of channel separation through the Tweety.
- I say intentionally as I'm sure the writers of, say, ARKANOID,
- were only counting on one speaker! However, ARKANOID and
- ARKANOID II have resounding stereo sound, even with some panning
- effects between channels! Many other games sound great, too,
- even the PD Wheel of Fortune. Better Dead Than Alien sounds
- spectacular in stereo. There is, unfortunately, one big catch,
- that is, digitized sound.
- Digitized sound was often counting on the three channels to
- be combined, and separating them through Tweety brings
- unpredictable, usually harsh results. Therefore, use of stereo
- sound for some games is not appropriate. Blockbuster, for
- example, another ARKANOID like game, sounds terrible through
- Tweety as it makes good use of digitized sound. Needless to say,
- your digitized sound demos will sound very poor through stereo
- separation! It is a delight, however, to boot older games and
- demos that used the 'straight' capabilities of the sound chip,
- for example, even the old ATARI dealer demo by Audio Lite is very
- much in stereo!
- While it is important to note that since the game programs
- were not written with stereo in mind, one cannot expect
- directionality where the screen is concerned (leftward sound
- movement following leftward screen object movement, for example).
- However, this may change if writers decide to make use of the new
- capabilities now available to ST owners.
- One thing is for sure: I have seen many "stereo
- enhancements" that provide fake stereo and that is NO substitute.
- Remember the awful days of "rechanneled for stereo sound" record
- albums? Same idea. Only the installation of Tweety can bring
- you true stereo channel separation.
- Installation? The 29-page instruction book breaks down the
- installation process with great precision, with a beginning
- emphasis on the ever-important rule: if you are not familiar with
- doing this kind of installation, let someone experienced do it
- for you. Mine was installed by my dealer, and in fact soldered
- in a couple of places for extra stability.
- Recommendation? If you play games, if you tire of the poor
- quality monophonic sound provided by the ST, by all means go for
- the Tweety. On the other hand, if 90% of your time is spent in
- spreadsheets, databases, word processors and the like, you won't
- need it. The bottom line: we really do have a STEREO Atari ST!
- Just needs a little help!